Ep90: 3 keys to more ideal clients


Have you heard all the buzz about Ideal Client Avatars lately? Yeah, so have we! Which is why we thought it would be a good idea to share more insights into:

- What makes an ideal client anyway

- The top component to a solid ICA that most people miss

- How to create your own

- What to do with the information in your marketing and sales process

I’m joined today by my wife and our head copywriter, Katy Taylor Jacobson, and we share a bunch of actionable ideas you can put to use today.

If you’re looking for more help than just a podcast, and want to have experts build your ideal client avatar (and a website around them), reach out to sam@ideactionconsulting.com or visit www.ideactionconsulting.com for more information on how to get started. 


Ep91: selling styles


Ep89: 5 strategic business mistakes